20/04/2022 48

Rarest mounts in World of Warcraft

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World of Warcraft (WoW) is an online multiplayer game that has been around for over 15 years. The game is known for its massive world, epic storylines, and a vast array of mounts that players can collect. Mounts are an important part of WoW, not only for transportation but also as a status symbol. Some of the rarest mounts in the game are highly sought after and are a testament to a player's dedication and skill. In this article, we will explore the rarest mounts in World of Warcraft.Invincible's Reins

Invincible's Reins

1. Invincible's Reins is a mount that was added to WoW in the Wrath of the Lich King expansion. The mount is the skeletal remains of Arthas' beloved steed, Invincible. To obtain the mount, players must defeat the Lich King on Heroic difficulty in the Icecrown Citadel raid. The mount has a 0.7% drop rate, making it one of the rarest mounts in the game.

 Ashes of Al'ar

2. Ashes of Al'arAshes of Al'ar is a mount that was added to WoW in the Burning Crusade expansion. The mount is a phoenix that drops from Kael'thas Sunstrider in the Tempest Keep raid. The mount has a 1% drop rate, making it one of the rarest mounts in the game.Ashes of Al'ar is a mount that was added to WoW in the Burning Crusade expansion. The mount is a phoenix that drops from Kael'thas Sunstrider in the Tempest Keep raid. The mount has a 1% drop rate, making it one of the rarest mounts in the game.

Mimiron's Head

3. Mimiron's Head is a mount that was added to WoW in the Wrath of the Lich King expansion. The mount is the head of Mimiron's mechanical creation, V-07-TR-0N. To obtain the mount, players must defeat Mimiron on Hard mode in the Ulduar raid. The mount has a 1% drop rate, making it one of the rarest mounts in the game.

The Heavenly Onyx Cloud Serpent

4. The Heavenly Onyx Cloud Serpent is a mount that was added to WoW in the Mists of Pandaria expansion. The mount is a black cloud serpent that drops from the Sha of Anger in Kun-Lai Summit. The mount has a 1% drop rate, making it one of the rarest mounts in the game.

The Time-Lost Proto-Drake

5. The Time-Lost Proto-Drake is a mount that was added to WoW in the Wrath of the Lich King expansion. The mount is a rare spawn in the Storm Peaks zone and has a 0.1% chance to spawn. Players must camp the spawn point and hope that the mount spawns to obtain it.

The Black Qiraji Resonating Crystal

6. The Black Qiraji Resonating Crystal is a mount that was added to WoW in the Vanilla version of the game. The mount is a reward for players who completed the Scepter of the Shifting Sands questline, which was a server-wide event. The questline required players to gather materials and complete a series of tasks, culminating in a raid on the Temple of Ahn'Qiraj. The mount is one of the rarest in the game and is only available to players who completed the questline during Vanilla WoW.

The Amani Battle Bear

7. The Amani Battle Bear is a mount that was added to WoW in the Burning Crusade expansion. The mount is a reward for players who complete the timed event in the Zul'Aman raid. Players must complete the raid within the allotted time to obtain the mount. The mount has a 0.5% drop rate, making it one of the rarest mounts in the game.

The Pureblood Fire Hawk

8. The Pureblood Fire Hawk is a mount that was added to WoW in the Cataclysm expansion. The mount is a fire hawk that





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